Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Most of you who are probably looking at the title of this post are going "Huh?...WTF is this?" Well, as I stated in my blog description, I like video games...well guess what, I'm occasionally (or maybe even frequently) going to make posts about video games. This one happens to be a game that I just happened to get in the mail today. I've been hearing about this game for some time now...and ever since I heard about it, I've been excited and anticipating the day it would come out. So for those who absolutely hate video games and could absolutely care less...move along, there's nothing to see here. For those that are interested in video games, even in the slightest, might find my blog post a little bit entertaining...so continue on at least for a little while...maybe you'll find this post more captivating than you might think.

The game (as the title states) is called Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (linked for your viewing pleasure). It's a role-plaing game with a massive world to explore and battle in...so it's already on my good side because that genre covers most of the games that I typically like to play. But more than that...the people involved in creating the game are what I would consider some of the best out there. For starters, R.A. Salvatore is the "world creator"...he's the one that is leading the design of the you get to explore. For those that don't know who he is...he's a New York Times best selling fantasy storyteller (take the link if you want to know more). Next comes Todd McFarlane...in my opinion, one of the best comic-book artists out there. This guy just has a way of making fantasy imagery look...well, for lack of a better word...very cool. Rounding out the team comes Ken Rolston...the least known to me, but still equally important among the three because of his talents. This guy is famous for designing RPG video games and paper-and-pencil RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons.

Now that I've hyped up the game enough (and probably bored you to death)...I figured I should move on to what I want to discuss with this post...and that's my character in the game. With the majority of RPG video games that I play...I'm fairly consistent in building a stealthy, rogue-type character. I like to come in for those silent kills and assassinate my targets before they even know what hit them. Also...I almost always play a female character. I'll let you guys decide what that says about my sexuality...but since I'm pretty comfortable in my skin, I'll let your imaginations run wild. Also, my female characters are typically always named Khloee...I won't go in to the why on that one, because it's just not all that interesting.

So without further adieu...here's some images of my starting character. (I will apologize for some of the "crappy" images...because these photos are from my phone taking pictures of my TV, since the game is on my Xbox). Here's some profile shots:

Let me know what you think of her in the comments. And no...I can't control her cleavage size...that was already preset by the game designers.

And here's Khloee's first look into the world of Amalur...quite a beautiful sight:

I'll provide more details of my adventures in Amalur in later posts...but I figured that was more than enough to put everyone to sleep already...happy gaming everyone.

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