I've tried to start blogs before...with various degrees of success. I'm not necessarily expecting this blog to succeed any more than the others that were started and died out...I'm just not trying to put out too much expectations...but I'm hoping the desire behind producing this blog will coincide with my other current endeavors to alter my current reality to something that makes me happy. I know that might sound like an unusual statement to those that don't know me all that well...but to those who are aware of my attempt at shifting paradigms, that statement should be right on track.
So let me start with a quick summary of the last six months...since my reality has been greatly altered from what it was before that. I worked about thirteen and a half years in engineering firms...basically doing what I had been trained to do in college. It wasn't horrible work...and I liked most of the people I worked with...but surprise surprise, it was still "work". Last September, my wife convinced me to go to a conference called Rethinking Everything (linked for those that want to find out more about it). Some might call it "New Age" thinking...or some such. I don't really know what to call it (and I try not to put too many labels on it, you're welcome to put your own labels on it if you choose)...but all I know, is it changed my life. I started looking at everything completely differently...and I did what a lot of people might call "soul searching". In the end, two months later, I quit my job. I've spent the last few months trying to figure out what the title of this post is..."What is Me?"
I hope to use this blog for various means...mostly to allow myself to air out a lot of thoughts that I've had lately...and the decisions stemmed from those thoughts that are beginning to change the reality of what is me. I don't have any specific plans for the types of posts...I guess we'll just have to see what's eating at me each time I sit down to write.
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