Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Addicted Dad

So I'm going to get into the nitty-gritty again with this post...back to serious dad mode.

As I've already stated...I like video games. Okay...easy enough. But there's really more to it than just that. I don't just like them...I love them. If I had to pick one thing to do in my leisure time above anything would be to sit down at my computer, Xbox, or mobile device and play some video games.

And I don't just play the games...for the most part, I master them. If it's a game that I've really grown to enjoy, then I want to be #1 at that game...I want to be the best. I want to find all the best loot...I want to finish all the quests...I want to do all the achievements associated with that game. If there's some kind of leaderboard or ranking system, then I want to be at the top of it. Even if it's a simple app-game...I will do whatever research and experimentation is necessary to make sure that I'm doing everything I can to maximize my potential. Okay...I think you guys get the picture.

So, the problem is, this all leads to the realization that I'm actually addicted to playing video games. And I'm not saying that to be flippant about it...I'm saying that with the pure realization that I've done things and do things that I wouldn't be doing if I wasn't playing games or wanting to play those games. They affect my every-day life. I sometimes forego the basic life requirements in order to play or continue & water...potty breaks. And not only that, but I've probably been less active as a father role at times.

So what am I doing about this "problem". Nothing really. In fact, I've somewhat embraced the "problem" and I'm actually attempting to include more of it into my life. And in case you haven't guessed it already, part of that inclusion was the creation of this blog. Ultimately, I would like to be living my life playing video games...all the while continuing to interact with my family and even supporting them financially. How do I do that exactly? Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not exactly sure yet. I'm still working out all those details. But I'll sure let you know when I do figure it out. Right now, all I know is that I'm pursuing my life in a reality where I'm doing what makes me happy.

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